Monday, September 26, 2011

REVIEW- Bridge by Jeri Smith-Ready (short story in Enthralled)

You can view a synopsis of Enthralled via Goodreads by clicking on the title.

As soon as Enthralled hit my hands, I quickly turned to page 233. I’ve been longing to read Bridge, written in Logan Keeley’s point of view by Jeri Smith-Ready. You definitely should recognize his awesome, swoon-worthy character from Jeri’s Shade Series. (Pay attention, because there is a reason why Bridge started on page 233).

My stomach was in knots as soon as I read the title... Bridge. I was recommended by some of the #TeamKilt members who were able to read Bridge before it's release to have my kleenex ready. The tears started pouring from the corner of my eyes as soon as I read the second paragraph, last sentence. And from there, I read on in anticipation and sobbed… “Don’t Leave Me.” Oh Logan! *clutches chest* Bridge is beautifully written and is a short story about Logan trying to connect with and apologize to his older brother, Micky. I cried for Logan and his longing. I cried for Micky who is suffering over the loss of his brother and the blame he burdens himself with. Jeri introduces us to a new character, Krista, who helps Logan try to redeem himself with his brother and for Micky to have closure. She’s another character to love and to be thankful for, and to me, she is a heroin.

The day after reading Bridge, my husband was generous enough to read it to me. I closed my eyes and envisioned every word of Logan’s story. I embraced his story even more. Jeri makes it simple for her reader’s to visualize her writings… it’s why I love her work so much.

If you haven’t checked out the stunning lyrics to Logan’s Forever, do it now. Enthralled has sentimental value to me, not only because of Logan’s beautiful story, but because I have special inscriptions from both Jeri and Logan.

I give Bridge 5 beautiful, lingering stars that I’ll hold dear to my heart, forever.

Note to self: You have a green Keeley Bros. T-shirt, but must purchase yourself an army green one!


I (Britney) agree with EVERY. SINGLE. WORD. that Kimberly wrote about BRIDGE. I cried, I sobbed, I whimpered like a little baby. This story is where you really see Logan bloom and you really feel the pain of his loss (from his perspective). It was so touching, and Jeri, damn that girl can bring it! I developed a new respect for Logan, and my heart really ached for him. I totally back Kimberly's 5 stars!
Note to MYself: Need Keeley Bros T-shirts. Black 1st, then green, army green.... :)



  1. Oh god..Im going to cry???? I havent gottent his yet..guess I need to take a trip to my bookstore!

  2. Yes Tee, as quickly as possible. Logan will melt your heart out!
